Mainstream Media Lies: 23 Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be On Television
Most Americans believe the lie that the mainstream media is "fair and balanced" and is looking out for the interests of average Americans. Well, that simply is not true. Those in the mainstream media serve those that are providing them with paychecks. The reality is that just 6 gigantic corporations collectively own most of the major mainstream media outlets in this country. Reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those corporations or to the owners of those corporations. In addition, reporters are simply not going to be allowed to report stories that are severely damaging to those that spend millions of dollars on advertising (such as pharmaceutical companies) on those mainstream media outlets. At this point, our "news" is absolutely packed with propaganda. Way too often, things are not what they seem to be on television. The mainstream media lies, lies and then lies some more. They give us the version of "reality" that their owners want us to have.
The following are 23 things that are not what they seem to be on television....
The Lie: Mitt Romney won Iowa.
The Truth: Mitt Romney may not have won Iowa. The following report of a documented vote discrepancy comes from KCCI....
Edward True, 28, of Moulton, said he helped count the votes and jotted the results down on a piece of paper to post to his Facebook page. He said when he checked to make sure the Republican Party of Iowa got the count right, he said he was shocked to find they hadn't.
"When Mitt Romney won Iowa by eight votes and I've got a 20-vote discrepancy here, that right there says Rick Santorum won Iowa," True said. "Not Mitt Romney."
True said at his 53-person caucus at the Garrett Memorial Library, Romney received two votes. According to the Iowa Republican Party's website, True's precinct cast 22 votes for Romney.
So how many other "vote discrepancies" were there in Iowa? Was this just a "coincidence" or did someone do this on purpose?
The Lie: Barack Obama will be much different from George W. Bush and will actually protect our civil liberties.
The Truth: Under Barack Obama we have lost even more of our civil liberties than we did under George W. Bush. Barack Obama recently signed a new law that gives the U.S. military the power to arrest U.S. citizens on American soil, detain them indefinitely and ship them off to Guantanamo Bay for endless "interrogation" sessions.
The Lie: SOPA is all about cracking down on international sellers of counterfeit goods.
The Truth: SOPA is all about censoring the Internet and cracking down on websites that the federal government does not like.
The Lie: The U.S. unemployment rate is now at 8.5% and will continue to fall as the U.S. economy recovers.
The Truth: If the number of Americans considered to be "looking for work" was the same today as it was back in 2007, the "official" unemployment rate put out by the U.S. government would about 11 percent, and the U.S. middle class continues to be systematically destroyed right in front of our eyes.
The Lie: The debt crisis in Europe has been stabilized and the euro is going to be just fine.
The Truth: The debt crisis in Europe continues to get worse and the euro is dropping like a rock.
The Lie: The U.S. stock market is in great shape and is poised to soar to new heights in 2012.
The Truth: Investors are pulling money out of stocks at an alarming rate. In fact, as CNBC recently noted, investors have pulled more money out of mutual funds than they have put into mutual funds for 9 weeks in a row. A lot of people out there expect that something really bad is going to happen very soon....
Investors yanked money out of U.S. equity mutual funds for a ninth-consecutive week despite a bullish 2012 outlook from Wall Street and a December rally that’s carried over into the New Year.
The Lie: There are no plans to replace the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.
The Truth: Top financial authorities all over the world have been developing plans for a new global currency for a long time. The following comes from a CNN article....
The International Monetary Fund issued a report Thursday on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency.
The IMF said Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, could help stabilize the global financial system.
The Lie: There is not a municipal bond crisis in America.
The Truth: There is a growing municipal bond crisis in America. Over the last several months a whole host of municipal bonds have been downgraded. Just today, Moody's downgraded Illinois government debt from A2 to A.
The Lie: Chicago is a safe place to live.
The Truth: 14 people were shot across the Chicago area on Thursday alone.
The Lie: Federal employees are not overpaid.
The Truth: The federal government is advertising for an "invitations coordinator" that will make between $53,500 and $102,900 per year.
The Lie: The old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are bad for the environment and it is a good thing that the federal government is requiring that they be phased out.
The Truth: The new CFL light bulbs are filled with mercury, they are an environmental nightmare and they are incredibly toxic and dangerous if they are broken.
The Lie: The U.S. education system is producing a huge crop of really sharp students who are prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow.
The Truth: The U.S. education system is a complete and total joke. It is producing millions of students that are not prepared to face the real world at all. The following is a short excerpt from a recent article by Mac Slavo that many of you will find illuminating....
Economics Professor Jack Chambless of Valencia College in Florida had his sophomore students write a short essay on what the American dream means to them and what, specifically, they wanted the federal government to do to help them achieve that dream.
The results demonstrate the sheer magnitude of the idiocy of a public education system dead set on indoctrination rather than education:
I took the essays from three classes – about 180 students…
About 10% of the students said they wanted the government to leave them alone and not tax them too much and let them regulate their own lives.
But over 80% of the students said that the American dream to them meant a job, a house, and plenty of money for retirement and vacations and things like this. When it came to the part about the federal government, eight out of ten students said they wanted free health care, they wanted the government to pay for their tuition, they wanted the government to pay for the down payment on their house, they expected the government to, quote, “give them a job.” Many of them said they wanted the government to tax wealthier individuals so that they would have an opportunity to have a better life.
The following is an excerpt from one of the non-sensical essays written by a student of Professor Chambless:
“As human beings, we are not really responsible for our own acts, and so we need government to control those who don’t care about others.”
You can read the rest of that article right here.
The Lie: Specific social and political agendas are not promoted in U.S. public schools.
The Truth: According to, a new California law makes it mandatory for all public school children to be taught the "role and contributions" that "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans" have played in the "development of California and the United States of America."
The Lie: We have to send our troops overseas to fight the terrorists "over there" or else they will come and fight us over here.
The Truth: Dozens of jihadist training camps are operating inside the United States right now and the federal government could not care less. The following is from a recent WorldNetDaily article about a jihadist organization that is operating 35 training camps on U.S. soil right now....
Jamaat ul-Fuqra, known in the U.S. as “Muslims of America,” has purchased or leased hundreds of acres of property – from New York to California – in which the leader, Sheikh Mubarak Gilani, boasts of conducting “the most advanced training courses in Islamic military warfare.”
In a recruitment video captured from Gilani’s “Soldiers of Allah,” he states in English: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are America.”
Though Gilani and his organization is suspected of committing assassinations and firebombings inside the U.S., and is also suspected of the beheading murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan, the terrorist camps spread through the country continue to expand in numbers and population.
But apparently Islamic terror is only a "problem" when the federal government wants to use it to justify invading another country.
In fact, there have been several instances where the U.S. government has actually allied with al-Qaeda in order to overthrow governments. The latest example of this was in Libya.
The Lie: Our politicians know exactly what they are doing and they have a plan for getting U.S. debt under control.
The Truth: When Ronald Reagan took office, the U.S. national debt was less than 1 trillion dollars. Today, the U.S. national debt is over 15.2 trillion dollars. In spite of all this, the American people keep sending the same big spenders back to Washington D.C. over and over and over.
The Lie: The Obama administration is enforcing our immigration laws.
The Truth: The Obama administration has instituted "backdoor amnesty" for illegal immigrants and even plans to provide them with work permits.
The Lie: The number of earthquakes is not increasing.
The Truth: The number of earthquakes is increasing dramatically. As the "Ring of Fire" continues to wake up the next few years could be very, very interesting.
The Lie: The nuclear crisis at Fukushima is under control and things are getting back to normal.
The Truth: Large areas around Fukushima will be uninhabitable for the indefinite future. Back in April, I published an article entitled "Much Of Northern Japan Uninhabitable Due To Nuclear Radiation?" At the time, almost everyone in the mainstream media was insisting that Fukushima was nothing like Chernobyl and that those that lived near Fukushima would be able to return to their homes fairly soon.
Well, it turns out that those of us that feared the worst were right after all. Just consider the following quote from the New York Times....
Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.
The Lie: Fluoride is good for our teeth and we should put huge amounts of it into our drinking water.
The Truth: Fluoride is a very toxic sedative and can be very harmful to the teeth. Incredibly, even the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the "recommended amount" of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years.
We probably won't see them ban fluoride any time soon, but for them to even acknowledge a problem with fluoride is a major step. In a recent article on CNN, it was reported that the federal government is now saying that high levels of fluoride in the water have now officially been linked with fluorosis....
The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis -- a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children's teeth.
The Lie: Using cell phones is perfectly safe and they do not cause cancer.
The Truth: Using cell phones can definitely increase your risk for cancer. Some very startling scientific studies have come out recently that are hard to ignore.
The following is an excerpt from a recent CNN article about one of these studies....
At the highest exposure levels -- using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period -- the study found a 40 percent increased risk of glioma brain tumors.
The Lie: The federal government works very hard to keep dangerous prescription drugs from ever entering the marketplace.
The Truth: America's addiction to prescription drugs is getting a lot of people put into the ground. Adverse reactions to prescription drugs kill a huge number of Americans every year. A recent Vanity Fair article entitled "Deadly Medicine" began with the following statement....
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?
The Lie: Members of Congress work really hard to fix the problems that this country is facing.
The Truth: Members of Congress work an average of about two and a half days per week.
The Lie: The United States has the best health care system in the world.
The Truth: The United States spends far more on health care than anyone else in the world, but we rank 50th in life expectancy, 47 countries have a lower infant mortality rate than we do and the federal government is chasing millions of good doctors out of the medical profession.
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