Weird stuff happening in the skies this week - Thursday December 29 to Thursday January 5
We are living in unique times, is this a reference to what the Mayans were referring to? Could these passies bodies of energy have an impact on our DNA and iniate change and evolution?
The First Quarter Moon is Sunday January 1 (New Years day). Venus is easily visible in the western evening sky. Jupiter dominates the evening sky to the north once Venus has set. Jupiter is near the waxing Moon on the 2nd and 3rd. Mars is visible in the morning sky heading towards Saturn, which is near the star Spica. Mercury at its best in the morning near the horizon. Comet Lovejoy is faintly seen in the morning sky below the Southern Cross. Earth is at Perihelion on the 5th.
Sorry no diagrams this week, due to lack of internet access while travelling and using a borrowed computer with none of my programs, Southern Skywatch will be delayed as well.
The Christmas Comet, comet C/2011 W3 Lovejoy, is fading. It is currently as bright as the Magellanic clouds, and its magnificent tail is shortening. As of writing, although dim it is still easily seen with the unaided eye as a streak of faint light below the pointers (alpha and beta Centauri) below the Southern Cross (although light polluted suburban sites may have a lot more difficulty picking it up, and need binoculars already). It will fade during the week, and may become a binocular object by the end of the week.
When looking for the comet, you will need to get up at least an hour and a half before local sunrise to see it at its best. You will need to wait a few minutes in the dark for you eyes to accommodate to the darkness to pick it out. Even things like mobile phone screens and the preview panes on digital cameras can mess up your night vision. The comet currently begins juts above the southern horizon and extends up to just below the pointers. It will rise higher in the sky as it fades, making it easier to see. Even as the comet fades it will still be a great sight.
As long as you are up looking at the comet, wait a a while for Mercury to rise.This and next week are the best times to see this fleet world in the morning.
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mayans, hopi, space, nasa, stars, earth
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ARE YOU SINGLE?! If anyone ever wrote a love letter like this to me I would marry them on the spot. Just goes to show that their still are guys out there that care more about the power of romance than the power of hooking up.
- By Cross ur heart and pinky
- By Dawn Giggiu
“Great ink! keep slinging that ink!”
“Cute” -
- By Kenz
ARE YOU SINGLE?! If anyone ever wrote a love letter like this to me I would marry them on the spot. Just goes to show that their still are guys out there that care more about the power of romance than the power of hooking up.
- By Cross ur heart and pinky
- By Dawn Giggiu
“Great ink! keep slinging that ink!”
“Cute” -
- By Kenz
Dying For Her Love - Featuring the Following song "Crying Out"
Frtee Download of "Crying Out" or embed it to your site or blog
Crying Out by JackDazey
[soundcloud url=""]

This album is a sample pre-release that infuses the emotional sound of JackDazey. These few tracks focus on the love songs from the upcoming album "Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0" due out 02/14/2012 along with his book "Dying For Her Love - a love diary". The album in its entirety is an amazing accomplishment in diversity and theme from one accomplished songwriter/producer that can communicate across many genres of music.
"I am that I am - music!!!"
Or buy via:
Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set) by JackDazey
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