Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Predictions - 13 Unlucky End of the World Facts You Should Know

2012 predictions - 13 unlucky end of the world facts you should know
Fact #1 -  The Earth is affected by the influence of the moon shown by the tides of the ocean which which go up and down.

Fact #2 -  The influence of the moon has an effect on the water within  the human body changing peoples behaviors. Police crimes escalates during a full moon. We are affected by the energies from the heavens above. Hence the word Luna - tic (Luna = moon)

Fact #3  - The planets have energies - just as the moon affects us so do the planets - this is where we get our astrology and horoscopes which outline our personalities based on these energy distribution and influence

Fact #4 - Water distribution shifts weight and releases on the ocean floor creating earthquakes based on scientific study shown on the history channel. Check youtuber - believersunderground video uploaded 12/30/2011 link below

  Fact #5 No prophet in history has had an 100% accuracy in prediction including, Cayce, Nostradamus, Isaiha Mohammad, or whomever.

Fact#6 - The Alignment of the planets had an influence which caused  Japan quake of March 2011 (being too strong of a coincidence when youtuber 9nania predicted it base on  watching these planetary alignments.)(Though she was wrong about other quakes based on her predictions, what she failed to notice that there were cataclysmic destruction occurring in other forms such as Cyclone, Landslides, Typhoons, floods etc- it made not always come as a quake)

Fact #7 Beyond current knowledge for some, every 26 million years the earth has gone through an extinction level event. This has been proven from examining signs in layers of rock in which they are able to date and identify changes in the layers of strata.

Fact #8 2012 is the end of an 26 million year cycle

Fact #9 Nostradamus however did predict that one will rise from the east to cause destruction across  the land. Timing is on schedule for Straits of Hormuz, Iran is currentlyy missile testing and just stated posessing nuclear fuel rods.

Fact #10 Hollywood has been programming images of our future which many have come to light. Current MI4 Ghost protocol deal with nuclear coflict with Russia. Russia, Tehran, Iraq, Afghanistan and China have relationships with Iran (and the U.S. has stuck there noses in their business creating bad relationships recently) Doomsday prophecies such as The Book of Eli, Mad Max, has shown us a gloomy future.

Fact #11 There has been scientific proof  of a dramatic crustle displacement based on Charles Hapgood works. There has been a Wooly Mammoth that has been found in the ice of Antartica that was "flash frozen" from the cold. Tropical plants and vegetation were found undigested in the stomach of this mammal. Be clear that Artartica is not in the tropics nor can we find any tropical plants growing there now. The beast did not die over days of starvation but was still grazing and froze with in hours of ingestion.

Fact # 12 As for the Mayans they have their own schedule of predictions which we really do not clearly understand. However they are known as the great keepers of time and predict astronomical events thousand of years in the future, the calendar clock runs out December 21, 2012 on the winter solstice.

Fact # 13 The Hopi Indians have their predictions of 2012 of  the Blue Katchina returning. On May 25 2011, Nasa announces rare blue star straggling light years  away that should not exist since blue stars are a sign of a dying star. That star should have been dead a long long time ago and baffles NASA scientist.

The Galactic alignment - if the moon has an effect on earth, and we have seen the effect the earth has been under from other smaller planetary alignments, then on a grand scale of a galactic alignment of all planets lining in a single file, compounding a further gravitational pull on the earth water, and crust creating a tug of war with the gravity of the sun may be possible triggers of cataclysm .

 My theory is it may not happen in one day. The triggers have already began. The end of the world is difference for everybody. That came to Japan already, Chile had their doomsday, Haiti had theirs, Christ Church the same. All of these  locations were under  the influence of a certain planetary alignment at the time.

An extinction may not happen this year, though it has happen in the past. It would be naive to think it would never happen again.
You decide, do your own research.

I found this that helps with blog promotion, if you are lookin to make money with your blog then talk to me for more ideas
Go visit now, is it a cool sight with a lot of tools for creative people to inspire themselves, hone their crafts and market themselves!!! 

And don't forget to please buy your copy of "Dying For Her Love "
Don't judge a book by its cover!
This is real life shit!!!
Read it before the scandal hits the airwaves really really soon and it becomes sold out!! 

Available in hardcover, softcover and kindle/ebooks
Buy it on Lulu
ARE YOU SINGLE?! If anyone ever wrote a love letter like this to me I would marry them on the spot. Just goes to show that their still are guys out there that care more about the power of romance than the power of hooking up.
- By Cross ur heart and pinky

- By Dawn Giggiu

“Great ink! keep slinging that ink!”

“Cute” -
- By Kenz  
 Dying For Her Love - Featuring the Following song "Crying Out"
Frtee Download of "Crying Out" or embed it to your site or blog


Crying Out by JackDazey
[soundcloud url=""]

Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set)
This album is a sample pre-release that infuses the emotional sound of JackDazey. These few tracks focus on the love songs from the upcoming album "Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0" due out 02/14/2012 along with his book "Dying For Her Love - a love diary". The album in its entirety is an amazing accomplishment in diversity and theme from one accomplished songwriter/producer that can communicate across many genres of music.
"I am that I am - music!!!"

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[soundcloud url="" params="showcomments=true&autoplay=false&showplaycount=true&showartwork=true&color=00a5e6" width="100%" height="225" ]


Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set) by JackDazey

Countdown to World War III - Strait of Hormuz


 Countdown to World War III Strait of Hormuz

Strait of Hormuz Countdown to World War III


As Nostradamus has predicted , one will rise from east to rain terror on the world. It is now 2012 and time for the prediction to unfold. So the Mayans may have been right also after all. It was not the earth falling apart in cataclysm but the super powers of the world creating devastation with war. 

The recent conflict and threats from Iran closing the straights of Hormuz will be the straw that broke the camel's back. 

As history has shown, whenever a new U.S. president is in office and things get ugly in the homeland, then a war breaks out to ensure that the reelection goes to an experience leader of the country. We can not break in a new president in the beginning of a major war or international conflict. Just look at the last 20 years. Clinton and the Persian Gulf, Bush and Afghanistan and Now Obama with Iran. Yes it is inevitable there will be a war. It has been rare for the last 20 years for a U.S. president to serve less than 1 no matter how bad he sucks or steels an election he will serve another  term because a war always guarantees that he sits in through the fight.

Iran has gain much more influence and power in the region after American pummeled the surrounding neighboring countries , so they will not be alone in the fight. In the middle east, it is not such a good thing to be an American anymore.  We have been over there too long stirring things up in the name of oil and i think the people in the middle east have had enough.  Hold on to your gold, get your stash ready since the inevitable Marshall law and economic collapse is coming to a hometown near you. Fema camps have been set up, troops have been brought home, National guards have been called in and people in this country are already at their worst. 

Blocking the straights is cutting off an artery of 1/6th of the worlds supply of oil.  This is nothing new as it has been going on for over 5 months now. The tensions are rising. The name of the game,  if they cant play ball and export their oil, then no one gets oil! Wow talk about leaving a people hungry, then they will show their teeth and bite back. And by the way, Iran has a nuclear program.   


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Weird stuff happening in the skies this week - Is this a Mayan reference?

Weird stuff happening in the skies this week - Is this a Mayan reference?
Weird stuff happening in the skies this week - Thursday December 29 to Thursday January 5  

We are living in unique times, is this a reference to what the Mayans were referring to? Could these passies bodies of energy have an impact on our DNA and iniate change and evolution?


The First Quarter Moon is Sunday January 1 (New Years day). Venus is easily visible in the western evening sky. Jupiter dominates the evening sky to the north once Venus has set. Jupiter is near the waxing Moon on the 2nd and 3rd. Mars is visible in the morning sky heading towards Saturn, which is near the star Spica. Mercury at its best in the morning near the horizon. Comet Lovejoy is faintly seen in the morning sky below the Southern Cross. Earth is at Perihelion on the 5th.
Sorry no diagrams this week, due to lack of internet access while travelling and using a borrowed computer with none of my programs, Southern Skywatch will be delayed as well.
The Christmas Comet, comet C/2011 W3 Lovejoy, is fading. It is currently as bright as the Magellanic clouds, and its magnificent tail is shortening. As of writing, although dim it is still easily seen with the unaided eye as a streak of faint light below the pointers (alpha and beta Centauri) below the Southern Cross (although light polluted suburban sites may have a lot more difficulty picking it up, and need binoculars already). It will fade during the week, and may become a binocular object by the end of the week.
When looking for the comet, you will need to get up at least an hour and a half before local sunrise to see it at its best. You will need to wait a few minutes in the dark for you eyes to accommodate to the darkness to pick it out. Even things like mobile phone screens and the preview panes on digital cameras can mess up your night vision. The comet currently begins juts above the southern horizon and extends up to just below the pointers. It will rise higher in the sky as it fades, making it easier to see. Even as the comet fades it will still be a great sight.
As long as you are up looking at the comet, wait a a while for Mercury to rise.This and next week are the best times to see this fleet world in the morning.

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mayans, hopi, space, nasa, stars, earth

I found this that helps with blog promotion, if you are lookin to make money with your blog then talk to me for more ideas
Go visit now, is it a cool sight with a lot of tools for creative people to inspire themselves, hone their crafts and market themselves!!! 

And don't forget to please buy your copy of "Dying For Her Love "
Don't judge a book by its cover!
This is real life shit!!!
Read it before the scandal hits the airwaves really really soon and it becomes sold out!! 

Available in hardcover, softcover and kindle/ebooks
Buy it on Lulu
ARE YOU SINGLE?! If anyone ever wrote a love letter like this to me I would marry them on the spot. Just goes to show that their still are guys out there that care more about the power of romance than the power of hooking up.
- By Cross ur heart and pinky

- By Dawn Giggiu

“Great ink! keep slinging that ink!”

“Cute” -
- By Kenz  
 Dying For Her Love - Featuring the Following song "Crying Out"
Frtee Download of "Crying Out" or embed it to your site or blog

Crying Out by JackDazey
[soundcloud url=""]

Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set)
This album is a sample pre-release that infuses the emotional sound of JackDazey. These few tracks focus on the love songs from the upcoming album "Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0" due out 02/14/2012 along with his book "Dying For Her Love - a love diary". The album in its entirety is an amazing accomplishment in diversity and theme from one accomplished songwriter/producer that can communicate across many genres of music.
"I am that I am - music!!!"

Or buy via:

[soundcloud url="" params="showcomments=true&autoplay=false&showplaycount=true&showartwork=true&color=00a5e6" width="100%" height="225" ]

Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set) by JackDazey

American Physicist Declares -Time Travel Coming

American Physicist Declares -Time Travel Coming

Professor Mallet has a dream…a dream that almost borders on an obsession: build the world's first real time machine that can transport humans through time. If he achieves that dream he intends to travel to the past on a personal mission to save his father's life.
Mallet has been intrigued with time and time travel since childhood. A professor of physics for three decades, Mallet published his first formal paper outlining his time travel research in Physics Letters more than a decade ago.
The brilliant scientist, who's appeared as a guest on the popular late night radio show Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, claims that the concept for his time machine uses light to form a circulating laser creating a warp or time loop instead of relying on a gravitic warp. In theory it should work, he argues, as Einstein proved mass and energy are the same.
Time travel is coming, and according to a Russian engineer it's already arrived. Vadim Alexandrovich Chernobrov claims to have built a working time machine at the Moscow Aviation University. Unlike Mallett's time machine model, Chernobrov's utilizes extremely strong, warped magnetic fields creating a time vortex. [Before It's News: Scientist Builds Working Time Machine]
Both scientists' novel approach sidesteps one of time travels thorny issues, the problem of mass. Mainstream scientists have proposed all manner of exotic means for achieving time travel. Using artificial or natural worm holes (or black holes) are two of the most popular time travel concepts. Both of those methods are not only impractical, but require space travel—probably faster-than-light travel—and energy that may exceed the initial burst put out by an exploding supernova.
Where does time start and where does it end?
But other than those few hurdles it might work…or at least the math works on paper. Chernobrov claims his time experiments prove that his model works. But unlike the Russian engineer, the approach to time travel that Mallett advocates envisions creating an intricate time loop.
Theoretically, time travel is possible if space can be warped. Experiments testing relativity and the effect on time within regions warped by gravity prove that warps facilitate time travel. The leap forward that Mallett makes is warping space not with mass, but with light.
His hypothesis depends on the creation of time loops. If they exist, time travel becomes possible. Mallett believes they exist. If time loops are proven, he predicts real time travel can be achieved within a decade and regular time voyages before the end of the century. 
Mallet's unorthodox time travel concept: it may work .To test his time loop theory, Mallet is constructing a time machine that can sit on a tabletop. 
Using the coherent light of lasers, he intends to bend the light with a series of specially designed, strategically placed mirrors. Successfully causing light to bend back on itself—creating a streaming circle of light—should warp the surrounding space, or so he hopes.
To measure the existence of any warp created by the machine, subatomic particles will be shot through the adjacent space. Those particles' duration—or "lifetime"—can determine if a warp exists and, if so, how strong the warp is that the machine's created. The longer the particle life, the stronger the warp and the bigger the potential doorway into time.
More importantly, a longer particle life also means the particles have transversed time and traveled into the future.
The paradox: If you kill your grandfather will you still exist?
The Grandfather Paradox and the time traveler
A famous time traveler paradox: a man travels to the past, and then finds and kills his teenage grandfather. How could the traveler exist in the first place if he broke the lineage that eventually produced him by killing his grandfather, thus preventing the birth of his father or mother. The time traveler shouldn't exist. It's a paradox…or is it?
Not an issue, declares Mallett. Traveling to the past creates another timeline and the future is not the present you started your journey from. Everything is changed. Time is reset. The reality here today remains the same and is unaffected by what changes in the past.
So the paradox is resolved by the multiverse. Killing a grandfather creates a new universe, a branch that has a different future. But it also means that in the infinite, ever expanding multiverse, a time traveler to the past can never return to the world—and time—originally departed.
Mallett began his quest to solve the enigmas of time travel while still a boy. His father died of a heart attack when the future physicist was only 10 years old. His father's death at 33 was a catharctic event that galvanized Mallett towards a lifelong quest to change what was and reset the past into one of his own choosing.
H.G. Wells' science fiction classic, The Time Machine, opened his eyes to the possibility that time might be conquered and in a sense provide him with the ability to master life and death by manipulating the time stream.
The universe began with light, time travel may be possible with it
The untimely death of a man that the young Mallett adored drove the boy on towards seeking a career as a scientist delving into the mysteries of relativity, the quanta, warps and black holes, string theory—all the open questions and emerging knowledge that may lead towards creating a portal through time allowing him to save his father's life.
Although it reads like a novel, the story is true and it's what fuels the foundation of Mallett's amazing—and perhaps attainable—dream.

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I found this that helps with blog promotion, if you are lookin to make money with your blog then talk to me for more ideas
Go visit now, is it a cool sight with a lot of tools for creative people to inspire themselves, hone their crafts and market themselves!!! 

And don't forget to please buy your copy of "Dying For Her Love "
Don't judge a book by its cover!
This is real life shit!!!
Read it before the scandal hits the airwaves really really soon and it becomes sold out!! 

Available in hardcover, softcover and kindle/ebooks
Buy it on Lulu
ARE YOU SINGLE?! If anyone ever wrote a love letter like this to me I would marry them on the spot. Just goes to show that their still are guys out there that care more about the power of romance than the power of hooking up.
- By Cross ur heart and pinky

- By Dawn Giggiu

“Great ink! keep slinging that ink!”

“Cute” -
- By Kenz  
 Dying For Her Love - Featuring the Following song "Crying Out"
Frtee Download of "Crying Out" or embed it to your site or blog


Crying Out by JackDazey
[soundcloud url=""]

Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set)
This album is a sample pre-release that infuses the emotional sound of JackDazey. These few tracks focus on the love songs from the upcoming album "Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0" due out 02/14/2012 along with his book "Dying For Her Love - a love diary". The album in its entirety is an amazing accomplishment in diversity and theme from one accomplished songwriter/producer that can communicate across many genres of music.
"I am that I am - music!!!"

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[soundcloud url="" params="showcomments=true&autoplay=false&showplaycount=true&showartwork=true&color=00a5e6" width="100%" height="225" ]


Top 40 The JackDazey Project 2.0 (Love is Love Set) by JackDazey